Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers day vs fathers day who holds more importants?

From the time I was young to the time i am right now it seems like fathers day has never been much of a celebrated event and guess what its still not. Whats up with that?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Democratic Nomination

The candidacy is a close one. Many people say Obama has a chance to win the democrating election but is that so? To be honest i don't know but if he's ahead Hillary is sure enough putting up a damn good fight its like she won't go away .

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bush what will he think of next?

China had a severe earthquake last week and since this traggic event has happened Bush our brilliant leader has opted to give china aid money . The last time i checked i thought we were borrowing money from China arent we in debt to them. My thing is how are we aiding a country who is basically bank rolling us and keeping us from going broke. So we are basically giving them IOU'S instead of aiding them. So my thing is their aiding us.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008